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FourSquare TrainingExcel XLOOKUP Function Tutorial (with Pirates).

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The Excel XLOOKUP Function Explained

MS Excel XLOOKUP function

What is XLOOKUP?

Very briefly, XLOOKUP is a versatile built-in Excel lookup function that can cross-reference data in two different columns vertically. Or, it can cross-reference data in two different rows horizontally. It then allows you to perform actions upon the data which has been "discovered" through the process of cross-referencing.

In this XLOOKUP Function tutorial we walk you through several fun examples of this incredibly useful Excel function in action, from the most basic three-part XLOOKUP to performing vertical and horizontal lookups with XLOOKUP, using [if_not_found], [match_mode] and [search_mode] arguments and also nesting XLOOKUP inside other functions including the =IF and =CONCAT functions to construct some more powerful formulas.

Difficulty: This XLOOKUP tutorial has an intermediate level of difficulty and is best-suited to those already confident using Microsoft Excel at a beginners level. It is also intended for anyone who is looking to make the transition from VLOOKUP to XLOOKUP.

You can download the Excel Workbook for this tutorial which has all of the data, formulas and working examples of XLOOKUP in there to use for reference in this tutorial.

Download the Workbook

Filename: "excel_xlookup_function_workbook.xlsx"
Size: 146KB


  1. What's so good about XLOOKUP?

  2. What is the difference between Excel's XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions?

  3. What is the most basic syntax of the XLOOKUP function?

  4. Which Versions of Excel is the XLOOKUP Function Compatible with?

  5. Why is this Function Called XLOOKUP?

  6. Getting Started with Excel's XLOOKUP Function

  7. Excel XLOOKUP Function using the [if_not_found] Argument

  8. Retrieve Multiple Cells from an XLOOKUP Function

  9. Excel XLOOKUP Function nested in an IF Function

  10. A reminder that Excel's XLOOKUP Function can look both ways

  11. Using [match_mode] in an XLOOKUP Function

  12. Conditional XLOOKUP nested alongside IF within the CONCAT Function

  13. XLOOKUP Function with a Horizontal Lookup

  14. The XLOOKUP Function [search_mode] argument

  15. XLOOKUP Tutorial Conclusion

What's so good about XLOOKUP?

What makes XLOOKUP so great is its versatility. XLOOKUP can perform horizontal lookups like HLOOKUP and it can perform vertical lookups like VLOOKUP.

XLOOKUP not only does the job of two other older Excel functions (VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP), it also surpasses them both.


VLOOKUP can look from one column on the left to perform a vertical search on the content of another column to the right of it, but it can't look left. XLOOKUP can lookup the contents of columns in either direction.

Plus, the most basic VLOOKUP statement consists of four core parts where as XLOOKUP only needs three making it not only more powerful but also less complicated to master.


The most basic HLOOKUP statement consists of four core parts where as XLOOKUP only needs three making it not only more powerful but also less complicated to master.

What is the difference between Excel's XLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions?


VLOOKUP looks from a left column to a righthand column

VLOOKUP can only look right (from a column on the left to a column on the right)


XLOOKUP looks-up columns or rows in either direction

XLOOKUP can look both ways (from a column on the right to a column on the left, or from a column on the left to a column on the right).

And that's not all! XLOOKUP can also perform Horizontal lookups on rows, meaning that you can now look up and down as well; something which previously you needed to use HLOOKUP for.

So, if you already know something about VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP you are definitely going to want to learn to master XLOOKUP. Or, if you are new to Excel you can save yourself some time by learning just XLOOKUP rather than learning both VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP.

What is the most basic syntax of the XLOOKUP function?

You write out the syntax of a simple XLOOKUP function as follows:

=XLOOKUP("Jolly Seadog",A4:A11,B4:B11)

The basic XLOOKUP syntax consists of three comma-separated arguments.

  1. The first argument is the content of a cell from column A that we want to perform a lookup on ('Jolly Seadog'). This is known as the 'lookup_value'.

  2. The second argument is the cell range of our table in column A. This is known as the 'lookup_array' and it looks in Column A to find a match for this exact name.

  3. The third argument is the cell range of our table of data in column B that we want to use to look up our result. This is known as the 'return_array' and this takes the match from Column A (Jolly Seadog) and uses it to return the result from the same row in Column B (First Mate).

If you place your cursor into the formula editor you will see that Excel shows you the entire syntax structure of the function as follows:

XLOOKUP syntax

XLOOKUP (lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [if_not_found], [match_mode], [search_mode])

As you can see, XLOOKUP also has some additional optional arguments in its syntax: [if_not_found], [match_mode] and [search_mode].

We will provide some examples of these in action as we work through the lessons.

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Which Versions of Excel is the XLOOKUP Function Compatible with?

XLOOKUP was only released in 2020 and its not so long since only Office Insiders had access to it. As such it is only available in Excel versions Excel 365 and Excel 2021 for Windows and for Mac. It is also available on some Apple and Android mobile devices.

If you are using an earlier version of Excel then you can look at our VLOOKUP Function tutorial instead.

Why is this Function Called XLOOKUP?

MS Excel XLOOKUP function for pirates

It would be nice to think that the XLOOKUP function owes its name to treasure maps in which X marks the spot and where you are literally looking for X as part of a treasure hunt.

However, VLOOKUP is named for its ability to perform vertical lookups upon columns of data and HLOOKUP is named for its ability to perform horizontal lookups upon rows of data. As such, it seems highly likely that XLOOKUP is named so because the shape of the letter X reflects that XLOOKUP allows you to search multi-directionally (both vertically and horizontally).

Nonetheless the pirate analogy for XLOOKUP feels right, not least because the directional limitations of XLOOKUP's predecessor VLOOKUP make it seem like it has a patch over its left eye like a pirate. So we are going to run with a pirate theme in this article.

Getting Started with Excel's XLOOKUP Function

In this tutorial we use the scenario of a crew of pirates who have discovered a treasure chest and allocated each shipmate a portion of the treasure. We are going to use the XLOOKUP function to ensure that everyone who is entitled gets paid their rightful share.

We will start by using one XLOOKUP function to verify the identity of each crew member by rank and to catch any imposters who might be making false claims on the reward.

We will then use a second XLOOKUP function to determine which crew members should be paid now and who should be paid later before working through a variety of other ways to work with XLOOKUP.

Here is the Excel table with all of our data upon which we are going to perform our XLOOKUPs.

Excel XLOOKUP function source table 1

Excel XLOOKUP Function using the [if_not_found] Argument

=XLOOKUP(C20,A4:A11,B4:B11,"Throw the imposter overboard")

In this XLOOKUP we are going to test the value that is entered into cell C20, in order to look up the rank of the crew mate name entered.

You will notice that (unlike our basic XLOOKUP example which was made up of three comma-separated parts) this XLOOKUP is made up of four comma-separated parts. Also, rather than including the lookup_value for the sailor's name in the formula, we call the name from Cell C20, which allows a user to type a name into that cell and generate a result from our XLOOKUP.

This XLOOKUP takes the roster of crew members in COLUMN A and looks up their rank in COLUMN B. The lookup then makes use of the [if_not_found] statement to display text if the name that is entered in cell C20 is not found in COLUMN A.

So now when we enter the name of the crew member 'Perfidious Penny' into Cell C20 we get the following result which returns her rank:

Excel XLOOKUP function if_not_found return true

But, if we enter into Cell C20 the name of a sailor that does not appear in our table we get a result as follows:

Excel XLOOKUP function if_not_found return false

The name of the sailor 'Harold Big Toes' is not found in our Excel table so XLOOKUP can not return a rank for him and falls back on the [if_not_found] statement to provide us with an alternate course of action.

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Retrieve Multiple Cells from an XLOOKUP Function

This XLOOKUP extends upon our previous example by adding an extra column to the return_array cell range which now extends from B4 to C11 and retrieves results from both the 'Rank' column and 'Years of Service' column. This allows us to perform an extra check to verify the identity of the crew member before giving them their payout.

=XLOOKUP(C22,A4:A11,B4:C11,"Throw the imposter overboard")

XLOOKUP function get results from multiple cells

Excel XLOOKUP Function nested in an IF Function

In this example we use our XLOOKUP function to ensure that only serving members of the crew get paid and also that any crew member who isn't present and able has their share put aside for later.

We are going to nest our XLOOKUP within Excel's IF Function to add an extra layer of conditionality.

In the above two examples using XLOOKUP's [if_not_found] statement we could only do something when a certain condition was not met (e.g. the name of 'Harold Big Toes' did not appear in the table that we looked up).

By nesting XLOOKUP within an IF function we can now perform one action if our test is true and perform a different action if the result of our test is untrue.

Our formula with a nested XLOOKUP function looks as follows:

XLOOKUP Function nested in IF Function

=IF(XLOOKUP(C23,A4:A11,F4:F11)="YES", "Pay the scoundrel","Hold their reward for later")

You will notice that the XLOOKUP function part of the formula looks pretty much the same as in previous examples, except that it is now no longer preceded by an equals sign.

Because the XLOOKUP function is nested, only the exterior function (IF) needs to have an equals sign.

The IF Function consists of three comma-separated parts, and our XLOOKUP makes up the first part of this which is the logical_test. In this part we run the XLOOKUP to match the name selected in cell C25 with a name in column A which then looks up Column F to check whether this sailor is 'Present and Able'.

Part one of the IF Function (using XLOOKUP):


Part two of the IF Function:

The second comma-separated part of the IF function tells Excel what information to display if the logical_test performed in the first part is true.

"Pay the scoundrel",

Part three of the IF Function:

The third comma separated part of the IF function tells Excel what information to display if the logical_test performed in the first part is untrue.

"Hold their reward for later"

As you can see, Excel's XLOOKUP function can suddenly become a lot more useful (and powerful) once you learn to combine it with or nest it within other Excel functions.

Note: Using Data Validation for Your XLOOKUP lookup_value

In this example of the XLOOKUP function we used a dropdown box for the data to use in the logical_test part of the function, so that users select the name from a list rather than entering it manually.

XLOOKUP Function Data Validation List

In order to do this for yourself, select the cell you want to add the dropdown box to. Then go to the Data tab and then select Data Validation. This will open the following dialog:

Excel data validation dialog box

Choose 'List' from the options available in the 'Allow' dropdown and then put your cursor inside the 'Source' edit box and this will allow you to go back to your Sheet and select the range of cells you want to include in your dropdown.

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A reminder that Excel's XLOOKUP Function can look both ways.

With this formula we are simply demonstrating that the XLOOKUP Function can do something that VLOOKUP can't. Excel's XLOOKUP Function can look both ways.

We are using this example of XLOOKUP to match the amount of gold peices owed to each sailor. So we use Column D for our lookup_array which contains the values for the treasure owed and we use Column A for our return_array which contains the names of the sailors.

XLOOKUP Function lookup_array return_array


In previous examples our XLOOKUPs have looked right from Column A to either Column B or Column F.

Here XLOOKUP uses Column D as its lookup_array which looks-up Column A (the return_array). XLOOKUP is looking from the right column to the left column. If we were to try to do this with VLOOKUP it would return an error, but here we have a perfectly well-constructed XLOOKUP function:

Using [match_mode] in an XLOOKUP Function.

Our previous XLOOKUP Function example has a flaw whereby if we don't enter an exact amount into Cell C32 it will return an error ('#N/A') because that amount does not exist in Column D of our table.

We can add an improvement to our formula by using XLOOKUP's [match_mode] argument.


XLOOKUP Function match_mode

The first thing to take note of here is that we use two commas to bypass or stepover where the [if_not_found] argument would usually be declared. In this instance, we do not need the [if_not_found] argument, so we can step past it to get to the [match_mode] argument.

In this XLOOKUP you can enter any amount of treasure (equal to or less than the highest amount of treasure earnt: 300) and if an exact amount is not found XLOOKUP will use [match_mode] to find the pirate that earnt the closest amount searching upwards from the number you entered. Change the value from "1" to "-1" to find the sailor who earnt next less to this amount.

XLOOKUP's [match_mode] has other variables that you can take advantage of too.

XLOOKUP [match_mode] with Wildcards.

If we go back to our earlier example in which we used [if_not_found] with our XLOOKUP function, we can now add [match_mode] to this to work with wildcards in our [lookup_value].

Our original XLOOKUP was written as follows:

=XLOOKUP(C20,A4:A11,B4:B11,"Throw the imposter overboard")

We are now going to extend this formula to set the [match_mode] to "2" for wildcards.

=XLOOKUP(C20,A4:A11,B4:B11,"Throw the imposter overboard",2)

This allows us to add wildcards to the searches that we input into Cell C20.

So, imagine that we want to find out which rank is held by Jolly Seadog, but we didn't know his last name. Here we could now use the wildcard asterick '*' after this sailor's first name as a wildcard to stand in for their surname as follows to return the answer of 'First Mate':

XLOOKUP Function match_mode widlcard

If you would like to learn more about using wildcards in XLOOKUP's [match_mode] you can refer to Microsoft's Excel support documentation for XLOOKUP.

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Conditional XLOOKUP nested alongside IF within the CONCAT Function

We have previously seen that we can nest an XLOOKUP within Excel's IF Function to add an extra layer of conditionality to a formula. Here we are going to take this one step further and nest both an IF Function and an XLOOKUP Function inside Excel's CONCAT Function.

Using the CONCAT function allows us to take the results from two other functions and join them together in our results:

=CONCAT(XLOOKUP(C38,D4:D11,A4:A11), IF(C38<=60, ": Recruit this swashbuckler for the mutiny", ": Steal this rogue's treasure and throw them overboard"))

In this XLOOKUP example the formula will decide which action to take based upon the amount that you select. In this instance we want to know both what to do if the amount is less than or equal to 60 and also if the amount greater than 60. This is more than XLOOKUP's '[if_not_found]' can handle, so in order to grab hold of some more versatile conditionality we have nested our XLOOKUP along with an IF Function, both wrapped inside CONCAT.

Our XLOOKUP function returns the name of the sailor and IF returns the appropriate course of action to take.

The CONCAT function adds the IF result to the end of the XLOOKUP result in our output.

As with our example of XLOOKUP nested in IF, we have used Data Validation to create a dropdown list of amounts to select from in this formula.

Nested XLOOKUP validation List

If we select a value from the dropdown of less than or equal to 60, the formula returns the result 'Recruit this swashbuckler':

XLOOKUP and IF Functions nested in CONCAT Function less than 60

However, if we select a value from the dropdown over 60 then when the IF Function checks to see whether the amount is less than or equal to 60, it returns an answer of false and displays the second string of text, 'Steal this rogue's treasure and throw them overboard'.

XLOOKUP and IF Functions nested in CONCAT Function more than 60

Other ways to Nest XLOOKUP

Note: There are also other ways to nest the XLOOKUP function. For instance, you could also nest two or more XLOOKUP functions within Excel's SUM function to calculate the total sum value of two or more output values. Try it for yourself.

You can even nest an XLOOKUP within another XLOOKUP Function. For instance, if you wanted to perform both horizontal and vertical lookups within just one formula.

XLOOKUP Function with a Horizontal Lookup

In this penultimate lesson we are going to look at a demonstration of Excel's XLOOKUP function peforming a horizontal lookup across rows, just like HLOOKUP.

For this last part of the XLOOKUP tutorial you will need to refer to the second Sheet in the Workbook that we have provided for download called 'Rum Ration (Horizontal XLOOKUP)'.

XLOOKUP Function Workbook Sheets

In our table we have recorded the unit amount of each sailor's alloted daily rum ration in fluid ounces in Row 2. Then in Row 4 we have used Excel's CONVERT function to convert these units into a standard cup size.

XLOOKUP Function horizontal lookup table

Our Horizontal XLOOKUP appears as follows:

=XLOOKUP(C13,1:1,4:4,"You're not on the list. No rum for you!")

You can see here that both our lookup_array and return_array handle cell ranges slightly differently to the previous examples that we have encountered. For instance, the lookup_array looks from everything in Row 1 to everything in Row 1, with no reference to columns whatsoever. And the same goes for the return_array which looks from Row 4 to Row 4.

The formula will also work just fine if we use exact cell references for our cell ranges (as we have done previously), but this is a bit more longwinded:

=XLOOKUP(C13,B1:I1,B4:I4,"You're not on the list. No rum for you!")

This XLOOKUP will return exactly the same results as the one in which we only specify rows. It's just a longer way of going about it and since we are working horizontally by rows here it feels much more logical to define our cell ranges by just rows rather than by rows and columns.

Our XLOOKUP will look horizontally across the rows to assign the right cup ration to the right sailor.

XLOOKUP Function horizontal lookup result
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The XLOOKUP Function [search_mode] argument

In this final lesson covering the Excel LOOKUP function we are going to look at the sixth and final argument in XLOOKUP's syntax, the [search_mode] argument.

This is the argument that we might want to consider using in our XLOOKUP functions in instances where we have multiple cells which have the same values.

As we can see in our Rum Ration table, for instance, both Swindling George and Perfidious Penny are entitled to 6 fluid ounces of rum per day, and both Short Joan Silver and Jolly Seadog are entitled to 2 fluid ounces of rum per day.

So, if we wanted to lookup a crew member's name by their fluid ounce rum ration then it might be helpful to be able to set the direction of the lookup.

The XLOOKUP [search_mode] argument has a four different operators available to it.

In this example we use search_mode to search ascending with the 1 operator.

=XLOOKUP(C16,2:2,1:1,"There's no ration of that volume",0,1)

Now when we enter a value of "2" into Cell C16 this returns the first match in Row 2 telling us that it is Short Joan Silver who entitled to this amount of fluid ounces of rum per day.

XLOOKUP Function [search_mode] search ascending

If we change the [search_mode] value in our formula to minus 1, then Excel will start searching from the end of the row back to the beginning (search descending). This time the first match it encounters for the value of "2" fluid ounces is the sailor called Jolly Seadog.

=XLOOKUP(C16,2:2,1:1,"There's no ration of that volume",0,-1)

XLOOKUP Function [search_mode] search descending

Excel XLOOKUP Function Conclusion

As we have seen, Excel's XLOOKUP function is both versatile and powerful and can do an awful lot of work when it comes to manipulating data in your spreadsheets. Spend some time improving your knowledge of XLOOKUP and you will quickly get much more control over your spreadsheet data.

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The course has improved my knowledge of Microsoft Excel and was a good pace so easily understandable. Gerry was very patient and helped each of us where we needed it.
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